Types de services

Allows configuring the schedule for in-person or video conference appointments. It is also possible to set up a mixed mode, where the client can choose at the time of scheduling whether they want to be seen in person or remotely.

Service en personne

Horaire de service en personne, avec possibilité de personnaliser l'adresse de chaque horaire.


Use our integrations with the video conferencing platform of your choice: Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom. Create video conference links automatically as appointments are scheduled.

Service à domicile

Idéal pour organiser la logistique des visites techniques ou récupérer les examens/documents chez le client.

Service de groupe

Possibility to schedule for groups, where you limit the quantity of people who can schedule at the same time (example: class scheduling, product demonstration scheduling).

Service de groupe

In cases where service is individualized, but all attendants can perform the same service, it is possible to configure a quantity of appointments per hour (e.g. appointment for issuing ID, vaccine appointment).

Temps variable

Au sein d'un même planning, il est possible de configurer des services avec des horaires de service différents.


Vous permet de configurer et de restreindre l’accès des équipes.

Calendriers partagés

Calendriers avec autorisation d'affichage pour plusieurs utilisateurs.

Calendriers individuels

Le calendrier individuel d'un utilisateur, permettant la synchronisation avec le compte Google Calendar ou Zoom de l'utilisateur.

Niveaux d'accès

Each user can have an administrator or operational access within an account. You can organize your team within several "accounts" on the platform for better access control.


Créer et utiliser des formulaires pour diverses fonctionnalités.

Formulaires de planification

Customize your scheduling form by including multiple choice questions, free text, file uploads, and more. This form is filled out at the time of scheduling, so the recommendation is to keep it brief.


For longer or more complex forms, use a pre-attendance form, which is made available right after scheduling.

Enquête de satisfaction

Create a customer service evaluation form to be sent via email shortly after the service is provided. Collect data on customer satisfaction to understand how your customer service team is performing.


Configurez quand et comment les notifications seront envoyées.

Messages par email, SMS ou Whatsapp

You have total flexibility to customize the text of the messages that will be sent, using variables to deliver messages with specific content for the scheduling in question.


Set up alerts for proximity to a scheduled time or send a notification for the client to make a new appointment after a certain deadline.

Recevoir une notification

Recevez une notification par e-mail, SMS oupush notification lorsqu'un nouveau rendez-vous est pris.


The platform has an open integration API that allows data connection with your ERP. In addition, we have integration with the following tools.

Google Agenda et Microsoft Outlook

Appointments made through can be synchronized with a Google Calendar account or a Microsoft account, allowing you to track appointments directly in the application and automatically generate the video conference link.

Zoom, Teams, Meet

Automatic synchronization of appointments made by the platform with your Zoom, Teams, or Google Calendar account, to automatically generate the meeting link.

Mon service virtuel

Schedule synchronization for the My Virtual Assistance platform, allowing the creation of self-checkin screens on the assistance platform.

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