eAgendas - Politique anti-spam

We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and security, so this Anti-Spam Policy explains how you can deal with spam, for example, how to report spam, unsubscribe from bulk messages, etc. The Policy is an integral part of our End User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Please note that we may change the Policy at any time by posting a new version on our website.

  1. Qu'est-ce que le SPAM

    Le spam est tout type de communication numérique indésirable et non sollicitée envoyée en masse sans votre autorisation.

  2. Vous envoyez du SPAM ?

    We do not send spam and do not tolerate spam. We take your privacy and security seriously and use your personal data to send our messages only after obtaining your consent to receive them in accordance with our politique de confidentialité.

  3. Dans quelles situations puis-je recevoir des emails ?

    Si vous avez fait une demande de récupération de mot de passe.

    Si vous avez pris rendez-vous, vous pourrez recevoir un email confirmant le rendez-vous, en fonction des paramètres choisis par l'utilisateur du calendrier.

    If you have created a new account, or have an active account, we will send emails about the use of the platform, such as alerts about usage above the contracted limits, plan expiration or trial period, weekly and monthly platform usage reports, notices about updates to terms of use or privacy policy, updates about new features and services available on the platform, as well as information about charges, payments, and invoice issuances

  4. Y a-t-il des cas particuliers dans lesquels je peux recevoir un message ?

    As a rule, we strive not to send you messages without your permission. However, there may be situations where we need to send you important information about our services or products that may impact your security, or your user experience, before you give us your consent to receive our notifications. In this case, we may use other legal grounds, under the applicable law, to send you messages, such as our legitimate interest or our obligation to fulfill the software licensing agreement.

  5. Que puis-je faire pour ne plus recevoir de messages ?

    Si vous pensez avoir reçu un message non sollicité contenant des informations relatives à eAgendas, If you wish not to receive messages from us, you can use the cancellation hyperlink that we include in each email (located at the bottom). Furthermore, you can contact us directly through our contact channel at contato@mupisystems.com.br

  6. Contact pour les réclamations

    Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait d'un aspect de nos procédures, vous pouvez déposer une plainte par e-mail. contact@mupisystems.com.br

Mise à jour : 30 septembre 2021.

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